Still Not Losing Weight?

 In General, Nutrition, StoneAgeFuel

As a coach, we’ve all been suspicious of a client from time to time who we suspect not completely committed to their diet and are not communicate about it. 

Usually how it goes down is she is oddly unwilling to keep a food log, and when you finally do convince her to keep track of what she eats she keeps forgetting to bring her log.

When she finally does bring it, she hands it to you uncomfortably and avoids eye contact altogether.

And then when you look into her log at what she’s allegedly eating, it just doesn’t add up.

It usually looks like she’s eating next to nothing, yet she’s still not seeing progress.

Other times, though, we have worked with people who REALLY ARE telling the truth, but they’re STILL not seeing the results they after.

They immediately assume their metabolism is just deranged and are prepared to give up.

If this is you and you’re growing frustrated that you’re not shedding pounds—or you saw some quick results but are now stuck.

Consider the following as to why you feel like you’re doing everything right yet you’re not losing weight!

The problem with calories:

If you have been using calories as a guide, you might have been misled.

Coming up with calorie and nutrient estimates isn’t as easy you might think, so food labels can be off by as much as 20 to 25 percent! Check out this food labels post.

This is exactly why it’s best to eat whole, unprocessed foods. It’s the only way to 100 percent trust what you’re putting in your body.

Any food items with more than a couple ingredients and you essentially run the risk of being misguided by the labels!

Further, just because something contains a certain number of calories, this doesn’t mean we’re absorbing, storing or using these calories.

We absorb less energy from minimally-processed carbohydrates and fats because they’re harder to digest, and more energy from highly processed carbs and fats because they’re easier to digest.

So food choices matter more than counting the calories you’re consuming. Stop using calories as your guide.

TRULY get off the sugar:

I have worked with a couple clients who were having a hard time losing weight.

They weren’t eating sugar, per se, but they were still eating tons of fruit and some dates and honey and agave and maple syrup here and there.

The moment they cut out dates and honey completely and reduced their fruit intake a bit, BOOM, the weight started falling off.

They were both able to reintroduce a little sugar later, but getting completely off for a few months kick-started their weight loss.

Up the protein:

Protein is necessary for losing weight and fat for a number of reasons.

It will make you feel full so you’re less likely to overeat, and it helps burn calories because of the increased thermic effect of eating.

Precision Nutrition suggests for most people, 30 percent of their diet should be made up of protein. 40 percent carbs. 30 percent fat.

They suggest:

For most active men: 6-8 palm-sized servings of protein per day.

For most active women: 4-6 palm-sized servings per day.

Bottom line: Don’t fear protein. Same goes for fat.

Are you insulin resistant?

If you make the above changes and you’re still not losing weight, you could be insulin resistant.

Meaning your metabolism is actually somewhat messed up.

When you’re resistant to insulin, it means your body is inclined to store the calories you eat as fat rather than to burn them as fuel.

It is reversible, though. Insulin resistance can be significantly improved with a low-carbohydrate diet and working out.

It just might take some time and patience. Stay the course.

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