Why our fundamentals program is super awesome!

 In StoneAgeFuel


When you’re new to fitness or haven’t worked out in a long time your body is not properly prepared to take on the rigors of a new exercise program. Everyone needs a program to ramp them up and prepare them for what’s to come. At StoneAgeFuel we believe that someone who is properly prepared by learning the fundamentals of all the movements we do, will have a better training experience when they enter our group classes. We also believe a new person needs a no judgment gym, professional coaches and accountability to keep them coming back. With our fundamentals program we provide all that and more!


By focusing on the individual we can target potential mobility problems, teach complex movements and proper diet and nutrition to create a fitness base without overtraining. Every new member who enters group classes knows what every movement is, looks like and can fundamentally perform these movements in a group class setting. They’ve also been set up with a guide for their diet based on their individual goals that we guide them through to ensure they can continue even after fundamentals.

Fundamentals Graduation! By doing this we find that our members stay with us for life! We create lifelong partnerships with people and truly build a family in our gym. We maintain a nurturing philosophy at StoneAgeFuel and by that we mean that each new member gets a personalized experience designed around what they specifically need and combined with our world class curriculum creates a truly unique experience!

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