3 Healthy Holiday Eating Tips!

 In StoneAgeFuel

1488253_499885730126082_690030252_nThe holidays can be a daunting time for those trying to focus on eating a healthy diet and sometimes it’s hard to tell what foods are healthy and what foods are not due to the massive amount of products available to us on a daily basis. We’re here to give you a few tips to get you through the holidays in one piece! Studies have shown that, eating healthy might help in preventing pancreatic cancer and other forms of deadly diseases.

1. Fill your plate with the better for you items first. Start with a protein like turkey and then fill your plate with a ton of veggies. Use this as a first helping and try to eat enough so that you don’t need a second helping!

2. Start a holiday food log. Sometimes the act of simply writing down what you eat discourages you from wanting to eat the bad stuff. It’s also very sobering to see everything you’ve eaten throughout the day and it can really add up!

3. Avoid liquid calories! Liquid calories can add up during the holidays and wreck havoc on your healthy eating plan. Focus on water, tea or coffee and you’ll be good to go! If alcohol is a necessity opt for a NorCal Margarita:

    1. 2 shots of top shelf tequila, 3 shots if you’re feeling frisky
    2. The juice and pulp of one lime
    3. Club soda to taste
    1. Shake it up
    2. Serve on the rocks

CrossFit StoneAgeFuel Fitness

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